How I Prepare for a Busy Week Ahead (And why you should do it too!)

Happy Canada Day! (and long weekend!) Long weekends are the perfect time to kick back, relax, and let the summer begin. It's also a great time to take some time to clean up, take care of yourself, and come back better prepared for anything! So today, I'm sharing the routine I use once a week to prep for the week.

Do you ever get to the end of a week feeling stressed out, behind, and just all-in-all a total mess? I've had my fair share of these days too. Especially going straight into another busy week, it can be exhausting to keep up with everything. To deal with this, I go through a routine on Sunday evening so that I'm totally prepared for the week ahead and anything it might throw at me! Well maybe not ANYTHING, but it's a huge improvement from not being prepared at all!

I like to spend Sunday evening preparing for the week ahead so that I don't feel overwhelmed going into it.

I put on some music, go into my bedroom and follow this routine to get prepared for next week. This is also my time to explore new music (I usually get through one or two albums) and relax as well. 

Put on my Diffuser - The very first thing I do after choosing my music is to turn on my diffuser. Normally, I use lavender as it helps me to relax.

Put in a Load of Laundry - Next, I go straight to dealing with my laundry. I find it's an easy place to start and is something that needs to get done. Get the dirty clothes off the floor and Stick a load in the laundry. Continue this list while the machine's going, and put the laundry away when it's done.

Clean my Room - I am a firm believer that a messy bedroom is directly related to how stressed out you are in your daily life. By cleaning up, I am preparing for the week ahead and keeping the crazy to a minimum.

Face Mask - My facial routine is very simple. Very rarely will I wash my face with anything but water in the morning and evening. But, once a week I do a face mask to deep clean my skin. PLUS, it's uber relaxing!

Reply to emails - As the week gets busy, there are always emails or other odds and ends that I need to reply to or small tasks to do. I make sure those all get done so that my inbox is clear and I don't have any small tasks to bring into the next week.

Publish weekly blog post - I then edit and publish my weekly blog post. Most of the work's already done, but I make sure it's posted! 

Reflect on previous week - I check my to-do list from last week and look at what I have accomplished. What did I do well? What are some great things that have happened in my life? Did I write in my positivity journal every day? (More on that here). 

List of Goals for the Week - I think about my goals and put them on my to-do list for the week. I transfer any items from last week and then add to it what's new. (don't make your to-do list too long! Focus on the important tasks for the week and forget the rest. Don't sweat the small stuff.)

Pack Lunch - I always pack my lunch the night before and stick it in the fridge. This way, in the morning I just grab it and go without having to think about it in the morning. This is an easy way to prepare healthy lunches when you're not in such a rush. If you meal-prep lunches for most of the week, then that's a bonus!

Read - After reflecting, and prepping, I let myself relax by reading a chapter of a book and drinking herbal tea.

This is my routine that ties up any loose ends from last week and puts me in a positive and prepared mindset for the following week. Since I've started doing this, I've begun to feel better prepared, organized and optimistic about Mondays. This has helped me a ton!

I want to hear from you:

What do you do to feel prepared for the week? Is there anything I missed?



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