How to be Healthy

There was a time when I was obsessed with being healthiest I could be, losing weight, eating paleo, gluten-free, dairy-free, you name it. I wanted to be skinnier and absolutely flawless. I desired this lifestyle and was willing to try any crazy diet or trick to do just that. I became lost, struggling with my health in spite of this. 


I was focused on how I looked. I wanted a six-pack and a Barbie-like body. I gave up my health, sacrificed what my body needed and ignored what it was telling me and put my focus on following these miracle tricks.

SPOILER ALERT: It didn't help me. I was a healthy weight already, if not a little underweight and did not need to become skinnier. I became even more insecure than ever.

Over time, I decided to forget about the diets and focus on nourishing myself. On giving my body what it needed.

I stopped restricting myself. Instead, I started trying to sleep 7+ hours every night. I cut down on the amount of caffeine I was consuming. I started eating until I was full - no more, no less. I nourished myself, focusing on eating vegetables and getting an adequate amount of protein every day. I decided to make my main focus as this - What does my body need right now for me to be at my best? - In answering this question, I began to properly care for myself until it became natural.

This changed everything. Although it took time, having this mindset made me much healthier. I now have much more energy than ever before. I have become a healthy weight. I came back to life. I am strong instead of weak. 

Put that scale away. Your health is not defined by that number. Forget about it. Ditch the scale. Forget about having the perfect diet or restricting yourself from living life to the fullest.

Becoming healthier doesn't happen instantly, and is something you should constantly be working on. I would suggest choosing one or two lifestyle changes to make and see how you feel. Below are some ideas of where you can start. Create these habits, and once they become natural to you, choose another to start.

Healthy Habits
  • Pack your own lunch
  • Eat a fruit and/or vegetable at every meal
  • Try a new healthy recipe
  • Drink more water
  • Do short workouts in the morning
  • Stretch before bed
  • Get 7+ hours of sleep every night
  • Take time to slow down and relax a few nights a week
  • Floss your teeth
  • Start walking more often
  • Go and be social at least once a week
  • Turn off your phone before bed
Making a few of these simple changes could help you become healthy, strong, and happy. Try it and see how much better simple changes can make you feel! 

What do you do to nourish, strengthen, and take care of your body?


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