Closet Simplification Part 2

Hey guys! Don't you love that feeling after cleaning up where everything is in its place, and just for a few moments, you feel completely at peace? Me too!

If this is you're first time here, this series started with this post here.

My first round of cleaning up was successful!
  1. My first goal was getting rid of 50 items. This was the perfect amount to get started without feeling like I was getting rid of everything. Out went things that were in poor repair, jewellery I hadn't worn in years, several of those free t-shirts you get at different community events, and a few outdated items! Towards the end, it began to become a bit of a challenge, but it was the perfect number for me to get started and instantly feel better about my closet!
  2. I also put away all my winter clothing, to save space and make it easier in the mornings, as there would be fewer clothes in my closet. Between this step and getting rid of 50 items, my closet feels much cleaner and less cluttered already! These steps were a great way to refresh a little bit and get rid of the stuff in the way.  
  3. I also found several local places to put my used clothing. For items in poor condition, there is a place I found that recycles clothing. Also, at H&M, you can bring your used clothes in exchange for a coupon for their store! Giving to thrift stores is another great option. Selling online is something that I'm testing out currently, with one of my bags that I am giving away. I haven't personally tried this yet, I did find a few consignment shops that will purchase clothing in good repair. This will also be good to find used clothing in good condition for cheaper prices.
This was a great start, but let's not stop there! It's time to move on to the next phase already.

My goals for this month are as follows:
  1. Bring clothes that I love but don't fit quite right for alterations. This is something that I have wanted to get into for a while but am finally getting around to it! This will make these pieces work better for me and will fit me perfectly! I have always heard that it's important to do this to all of your clothing. I'm not sure about that (and do not have the means either), but if altering a few items could bring new life into them and help me to be more comfortable wearing them more often, then I'm all for it! I will be careful to only select a handful of pieces that could use the work, ensuring that the pieces are classics that are not going out of style anytime soon! I can't wait! Ultimately, this should save me money because instead of getting rid of a beautiful pair or jeans and buying a new pair, I will simply be spending a few dollars extra to give them years of continued wear. 
  2. Go through my loungewear/workout wear/pyjamas/etc. and keep only what I need. My goal is to deal with the clothes that don't leave the house or the gym. Slipping into sweatpants after a long day of work is one of my favourite things to do. However, I don't need a ton of them, and can pass on the ones that are comfy but falling apart. This will also include tank tops, bathing suits and undergarments. These are all basics that should be in good working condition. I'm not going to set a number, but instead decide what I need, what are quality items, and what I can let go of. This is a good next step because I'm not dramatically changing my outfits but rather are keeping loungewear I love and creating a good base for my wardrobe. 
  3. Switch out my hangers. Now that I have fewer pieces of clothing, I am in a position where I can get rid of some hangers that are breaking or do not match the others. I will switch any hanging pants to proper dress pant hangers and try to work towards having all my hangers be the same.
P.S. Notice that none of my goals have included shopping or buying more clothing? I only go clothes shopping a handful of times throughout the year already, but during this process specifically, I have decided that until I pare down my items and clear out what I don't need, I won't be buying anything. One of the next steps will be filling in my wardrobe gaps, but that's for another time! For now we're working with what I already have.

What are steps you are taking to simplify your closet?


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